Monday, November 21, 2005

My Weekend Away: Koala Love

This weekend was super-fabbo. Yes, I got away out of the city for the first time in ages. Hit the highway with the supercool uber-chicks Dana & Helena. We headed to Geelong to see my mum in hospital, she is recovering from a knee reconstruction & bionic knee implant operation and is doing well, looking good and feeling great.

In Geelong we also went to see the film: kiss kiss bang bang, with Robert Downy Jnr which was a pretty cool film. Was good to see him acting so well again, he's been a favorite since Less Than Zero. Fun film with lots of good plot twists & turns. Dana ate her first peppermint choc-top and is now fully converted and may never leave our fair shores... anyone want to marry a beautiful Leo woman for a US Green Card/Australian residency swap?? Apply here at Sacred Profanities...all enquiries will be treated with the utmost confidentiality...

We then headed down the coast to Lorne to the Kaos Kafe where we had a superb brunch and spent the rest of the day shopping like the naughty girls that we are. [me bought fabulous tangerine nail polish]...

Then down the Great Ocean Road to the lovely hamlet of Apollo Bay.. such a cute little town by the sea.. this is where I will buy a holiday house methinks, where I will paint all day and own 9 cats and go the jazz festival every year. Found a great restaurant and ate fabulous food with good wines [Four Sisters Sauvingnon Blanc] ...can't beat that. The locals were friendly and cute... Walking back to the hotel we looked up and saw millions of stars, I've missed these living in the city and all... realized that sometimes I could just leave the city behind so easily, have to remind myself that all the striving for something, for our passions, our careers or whatever is worth it, but then again, wouldn't it be nice to just chill out in the country like a little plant? hmmmm...

Next morning we headed to Cape Otway and saw scads, and I mean scads of koalas.. in 30 years of living in Australia I've only ever seen one (1) in the wild, but here we saw about 5 of them along the road, and there must've been heaps more out in the bush. The place was literally crawling with them and they were sooo fucken cute, their ears are so fluffy...

Have now arrived back in the city, hungover and travel-weary and happy to crawl into my own bed tonight.

Tomorrow: the rest of my life.


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