Today is the first day...

... of the rest of my life.. so I'm not going to waste it, and although it's currently 12noon on a Monday and I'm still in my pj's that's okay, got to ease myself gently into the week of job hunting, or rather offering myself up to the world of commerce to earn a buck so I can blow this popsicle stand... (this is a very long sentence)... not that there's anything wrong with this current popsicle stand, just that I'm getting a wee bit bored of it as you may know from previous posts... but I digress...
After accomplishing last week's goal of sending out creative expressions into the outside world via submitting to a literary journal, this week's goal is to get off my ass & get a decent job. The gallery has cut my hours back again due to lack of major exhibition and the search is on for something fulfilling & well-paying. I launch into this financial challenge with much positivity & enthusiasm. Yee-haw!!
The planets are on my side: my ruler mars just crossed into Leo.. a happy place for Mars to be!
My motivational quote for the day:
You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm. ~ Collette.

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