Saturday, September 16, 2006
Sunday bliss...
Film: Last Days

And its funny because I didn't find it too dark or depressing. Almost like in the end the main character, Blake (based on Kurt Cobain, but not really a telling of Kurt's story) takes his own life as the ultimate act of self- compassion & release from the thing that he has created & that has become too big for him. This made me really re-think suicide as an option for some people, meaning that we can't judge it at all. There is no way we can have an opinion on it as a choice, its such a personal, individual choice.
That being said, my own views on this have always leaned towards that of: why leave the cinema when the movie is half-way through? Even if the film is bad, I want to stay to see how it ends, the suspense is too much for me, I have to get up every morning because I'm afraid I might miss something really wonderful when it comes along, because it invariably does.
A beautiful film on a sad life, made with compassion & soul.
Stormi out. xxx
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Happy-ning & Happy-ned..
Today is a sunny Sunday and the first day that I feel like I'm landing back into my body after all this crazy busyness.. am spending the entire weekend in my pod with occaisonal forays out into the world to buy the paper/food/dvd's.
These the things/events that are happy-ning & that have happy-ned...
WORK: As mentioned before I finally got a full-time job with w/ends & holiday pay etc. in a nice environment with nice co-workers. For the first time in years I have financial security and I'm astounded at the difference it has made to my psyche. I know that money does not buy happiness, but it sure does help one buy that cute red dress I saw in the window and matching pink lippy. Not to mention finally paying off years of credit card debt & my HECS debt of 15 years! Fuck me, bring it on.
ART: Writing is continuing. Got my first rejection letter. woo-wee. I am a writer

MUSIC: Currently listening to anything Kimya Dawson. This lady is amazing. Love her to bits. She's the new millenium's female Bob Dylan. Check out her site here and here. Read lyrics from her song: I like Giants:
Kimya Dawson - I Like GiantsYay great stuff...When I go for a drive I like to pull off to the side
Of the road, turn out the lights, get out and look up at the sky
And I do this to remind me that I'm really, really tiny
In the grand scheme of things and sometimes this terrifies meBut it's only really scary cause it makes me feel serene
In a way I never thought I'd be because I've never been
So grounded, and so humbled, and so one with everything
I am grounded, I am humbled, I am one with everythingRock and roll is fun but if you ever hear someone
Say you are huge, look at the moon, look at the stars, look at the sun
Look at the ocean and the desert and the mountains and the sky
Say I am just a speck of dust inside a giant's eye
I am just a speck of dust inside a giant's eyeWhen I saw Geneviè,ve I really liked it when she said
What she said about the giant and the lemmings on the cliff
She said 'I like giants
Especially girl giants
Cause all girls feel too big sometimes
Regardless of their size'When I go for a drive I like to pull off to the side
Of the road and run and jump into the ocean in my clothes
And I'm smaller than a poppyseed inside a great big bowl
And the ocean is a giant that can swallow me wholeSo I swim for all salvation and I swim to save my soul
But my soul is just a whisper trapped inside a tornado
So I flip to my back and I float and I sing
I am grounded, I am humbled, I am one with everything
I am grounded, I am humbled, I am one with everythingSo I talked to Geneviè,ve and almost cried when she said
That the giant on the cliff wished that she was dead
And the lemmings on the cliff wished that they were dead
So the giant told the lemmings why they ought to live insteadWhen she thought up all those reasons that they ought to live instead
It made her reconsider all the sad thoughts in her head
So thank you Geneviè,ve, cause you take what is in your head
And you make things that are so beautiful and share them with your friendsWe all become important when we realize our goal
Say I am just a speck of dust inside a giant's eye
Should be to figure out our role within the context of the whole
And yeah, rock and roll is fun, but if you ever hear someone
Say you are huge, look at the moon, look at the stars, look at the sun
Look at the ocean and the desert and the mountains and the sky
I am just a speck of dust inside a giant's eye
I am just a speck of dust inside a giant's eye
And I don't wanna make her cry
Cause I like giants
PROJECTS: the chai project is now progressing well, have had great feedback for my recipe.
TITHING: I've found a just & worthy cause... it's called Ian Thorpe's Fountain for Youth. A project wherein books & other reading materials are delivered to impovrished remote indigenous communities. For just $100 you sponsor a Literacy Backpack full of books for a child & their family. Very cool.
Can't think of anything else at the moment and the sun is shining out in Melbs and pulling me out of my pod.
Love you, Meri xxx