Saturday, April 29, 2006

Latest Obessions..

Six Feet Under

I'm currently watching the entire phenomena that is Six Feet Under... I'm up to episode 9 in Series 2. The writing so superb, characterization amazing and interweaving storylines are so neatly done. This show is so intimate and so fucking human. Every episode is like some kind of reality check regarding mortality, the preciousness of life & other cool stuff.

Rainbow Songs
This morning I did a search on Limewire of every song with the word 'Rainbow' in the title after watching 50 First Dates [such a cute movie] last night - it had Israel Kamakawiwo's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow in it. Such a great song. ... this is what a geek does on a rainy Sunday, oh and she eats...

Dark Belgium Chocolate... more ultra Haiku... 'nuff said... with hazelnuts...

Going Overseas
Just waiting to hear about Doha... waiting, waiting, waiting and contemplating the adventure that might be the middle east..

Fishnet stockings...

Now that winter is here I can indulge in my favorite legwear accessory.


I got lots of books for my birthday, does that make me bookish? Let's hope so. Am currently reading Crash by J. G. Ballard. It's a bit sick, no, its a lot sick & twisted but written so obsessively. I actually had to put it down because it was making me nauseous a few times. If you read it make sure you read the intro. He writes about reality vs. fiction:
I feel that the balance between fiction and reality has changed significantly in the last few decades. Increasingly their roles are reversed. We live in a world ruled by fictions of every kind - mass-merchandizing, advertising, politics conducted as a branch of advertising, the pre-empting of any original response to experience by the television screen. We live inside an enormous novel. It is now less and less necessary for the writer to invent the fictional content of his novel. The fiction is already there. The writer's task is to invent reality.

In the past we have always assumed that the external world around us has represented reality, however confusing or uncertain, and that the inner world of our minds, its dreams, hopes, ambitions, represented the realm of fantasy and the imagination. These roles, it seems to me, have been reversed. The most prudent and effective method for dealing with the world around us is to assume that it is a complete fiction - conversely, the one small node of reality left to us is inside our own heads.
... and he wrote this in 1973!

... and for my last & most enduring obsession....

Yes, just bought her lastest album Confessions on a Dancefloor and instantly fell in love with it. Great Album Mads! She gets back to her disco roots, her dancing and just generally stylishly prancing about in a pink leotard... which is what she's really good at. I'm happy that she's left that acting thing behind... ;-) Fave track at the moment is: Future Lovers & Sorry is good too.. I'm so happy that my first & major role model is still kicking on so well.

This is what she said in a recent article in Bazaar magazine, when asked what she would say to her 19 y.o. self:
"Remember these things: never take any of it personally. If you really want to be a revolutionary, you have to be prepared to be unpopular. Don't do it if you don't really mean it. And what else? None of it is real."
... WORD UP MADS! Yeah baby... it's all an illusion, there's too much confusion...'nuff said...

Birthday hi jinx

Oh golly, I had such wonderful fun on Friday night at my birthday party!!!! It's been a few years since I threw one and I forgot how much fun they can be!

I want to thank everyone that came and made it such a wonderful night.
Hi-lights of the night as follows:
- Cath cajoling me to update my blog - 'nuff said!
- getting presents!!
- drinking yummy sangria & margarita's
- booking a table for 15 and having 27 people turn up; then moving out to the back room & emptying the restaurant of tables & chairs
- cake, candle & making a wish
- getting presents!!
- frocking up
- wearing a sombrero at some stage of the night
- catching up with all my Melbourne buddies, new & old & the Melbourne 2006 posse.
- Beth introducing me to the joy that is a cock-sucking cowboy and then us discussing that the phrase cock-sucking cowboy is like Haiku, only shorter, kind of like ultra Haiku.
- sharing a whole bottle of champagne with Emily
- finally catching up with Jo on Smith Street in the rain
- going to Revolver (i know, i know) at 4am with Emily & talking to cute fucked up lawyer boys on drugs (that is they were on drugs, I was on a Bloody Mary.)
I can't remember much else... just waiting now for the photographic evidence to come in.... ;-)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Itchy feet...

Ok... so here's the deal, I'm getting the itchiest feet, and no, its not tinea, I never get tinea, why? well.... I digress, but actually, all my life I've subscribed to Madonna's preventative for tinea, and I've showered in some pretty yucky places, and it's worked like a charm... what is it??.... see end of this post for the magic secret...

But my itchy feet are of the 'fuck I really want to travel' kind. I found out yesterday that I can literally waltz into the UK and work... and then there's the Doha Asia Games job that I've applied for also... hmmm... I feel I've gotten to that place again after almost 6 years of being settled here in Melb's town, of really wanting to feel 30,000 feet of airspace under my feet and the smell of avgas up my nose..[you know that great smell that you only have at airports?? yeah, that smell!]... I feel like so many chapters have come to a close lately here in Melb's. So many endings after endings and all of them wonderfully natural, organic endings, not the bitter & twisted kind, but just the end of a chapter in a book, where all the plotlines have been threaded up neatly, conclusions fully revealed and love wins out in the end or something like that... yes it's the book of MY LIFE ;-) .... [fuck me, one's birthday puts one in the contemplative mood for sure...]

They say that life moves in 7 year cycles, and the last time I felt this was back in 1999 in San Francisco, about 7 years ago. And this time I can almost feel the stumps pulling themselves up out of the ground... How am I feeling?? Happy, excited & relieved that boredom is receding... tonight in Melb's the wind is blowing a fierce howling gale around my cosy little pod, and on its wings I can smell other places, other towns, new countries ...

**And how does Madonna keep herself tinea-free?? She PEES on her feet everytime she showers... ;-) Yes, it's true.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Get a wriggle on!

"Don’t worry what other people think about you, because everyone’s too worried about themselves to be ever looking at you THAT closely. You are an infinite rainbow spacebag of cosmic yay-yay. Life is short. Get a wriggle on Pooglet!"
Today I was feeling a bit down for various reasons and just generally a bit BLAH BLAH YUCKY YUCK, and also still slightly reacting to echoes of a very embarrassing moment I had about a week ago, when I read this in Justin Heazelwood's lapptopping email thing he sends out. It made me smile & realize that embarrassing moments in life also have their purpose in our emotional & spiritual evolution. Nothing like returning back to the state of The Fool or the mentality of a 14-year-old. I feel lucky that I had such understanding & compassionate friends around me to soften the blow :-) .. And what was that embarrassing moment? Well, never you mind! xxx

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Time to get messy..

RES Crew
Originally uploaded by cathmellis.

This is around the time when you should probably catch a taxi home... but yr having too much fun...

A ragtag posse

RES Crew
Originally uploaded by cathmellis.

Go on Gerard... please get us some glasses, we simply cannot move from this place!! Be a good lad!

The Terrible Duo

RES Crew
Originally uploaded by cathmellis.

'Ere...where's he with those glasses??...


Originally uploaded by cathmellis.

Thanks for the photos Cath!!

RES Crew

RES Crew
Originally uploaded by cathmellis.

The fabulous Jo & Gerard.

more village hi-jinx

Growling Grrls..

Soccer Louts in training...

One more partay...

Last night was the closing party at the MCG... was fun to get all frocked up and drink more champers.. more dancing & final goodbyes... ended up with Gerard, Chrissy, Bec & Madeleine at Stalactites chewing on dips & chicken souva's... pictures soon... am hungover again today, will not drink champagne till my birthday... will save alcohol credits for Meri's Margarita Fesitval... or something like that.. xxx